Christmas Cactus: Complete Care and Growing Guide – Everything You Need to Know

Christmas cactus

Key Highlights

  • To ensure the continued bloom of your cactus during the winter months, cut off flowering cactus bulbs that have faded or cut them back.
  • Give your cactus plant the cool conditions of 50-55 degrees Fahrenheit for 6-8 weeks during the autumn. This drop in temperature can trigger the formation of buds and flowering.
  • Make sure the soil is damp, but don’t overwater it. Feed your cacti at the point that the soil’s top inch is dry to the surface. When the flowers are in bloom you should reduce the amount of watering so that the plant to get some rest.
  • Put your cactus in an place that is free of drafts and abrupt temperature fluctuations. Be sure to keep it away from doors or windows which are often open.
  • In the spring and summer feeding your cactus with an equilibrated, water-soluble fertilizer that is diluted to half strength. Be sure to avoid fertilizing during the time of bloom since it may affect flower production.

The Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera bridgesii) is a low-maintenance, lively house plant, is now a cherished Christmas tradition for many people who love plants. Even in the middle of winter months, this is among the few plants that blooms to spread holiday cheer with the vibrant flowers.

native to in the lush tropical forests of Brazil The Christmas Cactus can be often called by various other names, such as the holiday Cactus, as well as crab cactus.

The Christmas cactus gained popularity for its stunning and vibrant flowers, which typically bloom during the Christmas season. Its flat leaves and trailing or cascading growth make it an attractive addition to any room.

Longevity – Up to 100 Years

The Christmas cactus has evolved into an important family tradition handed down from one generation to the next, bringing happiness and beauty to every Christmas celebration. The Christmas cactus is able to live for up to 100 years and a variety of cultivars and hybrids have been created to display various colors of flowers, including shades of red, pink white, yellow and even purple.

This distinctive tropical plant is named after Frederic Schlumberger, a Frenchman who was an enthusiastic collector of succulents and cacti in the 19th century.

There are three kinds of cacti for the holidays such as Easter cactus, Thanksgiving cactus and Christmas cacti. Each with distinct features. It’s a stunning house plant for winter and makes a wonderful element to any house.

Its acclaim can be attributed to its easy-care needs and the ability to flourish in indoor environments. If you take care of it and provide the proper conditions, this stunning succulent will bring joy and the beauty of your home year-round.

How to Encourage Blooming in a Christmas Cactus – Tips for Flowering

Christmas cactus blooms are an eye-catching sight. These flowers in tubular form come in a wide range of vibrant colors. you can purchase them in a variety of shades, including red, pink, white as well as yellow and purple.

The flowers are unique in shape with long, round petals which curve to the back creating a graceful and elegant look.

They usually bloom in winter which adds a touch of Christmas joy to any room.

Your Christmas plants flower approximately 12 weeks after they are planted under the ideal conditions. Christmas plants continue to bloom for a time of about 4-6 weeks. This makes them a beautiful and lasting feature for your indoor or outside garden.

Why Genuine Christmas Cacti are Rare and Difficult to Locate?

In the Christmas season, many of the plants that are advertised as Christmas cacti actually aren’t real Christmas cacti in any way. They are typically hybrids of Thanksgiving cacti that are similar, but not identical, and are advertised as Christmas cactus . The plant growers alter the flowering process to allow them to bloom at Christmas. By regulating the length of darkness and light, they can trigger plants to bloom during the time of Christmas.

A Christmas Cactus Blooming Indoors

To ensure that blooming occurs, it is important to give your cactus the proper conditions.

  • Be sure that it receives ample indirect, bright light throughout the day. Do not place your lamp directly in the sun because this can cause sunburn.
  • In the fall Give your cactus a time of complete darkness for 12-14 hours every night. This is similar to the natural lighting conditions that can trigger the blooming.
  • Maintain the soil moist, but not excessively so, and try to avoid overwatering.

The Christmas Cactus Blooming Outdoors

If you’re planning to grow your Christmas cactus outside, it’s important to take into consideration the climate and conditions for growth.

  • Be sure to put it in a location which receives indirect, bright light, and also shade during the hottest hours during the summer.
  • Outdoor cacti enjoy an interval of cooler temperatures (around 50degF-55degF) during the period of 6-8 weeks during the autumn. The drop in temperature helps to stimulate the development of buds and blooms.
  • Be sure to shield your cactus from frost, and bring it inside when temperatures are too low.
  • The Christmas cacti flower due to fluctuations in temperature and light. As the days become shorter and temperatures decrease it triggers the plant to begin producing, and flower buds, and eventually, flowers.
  • Whatever your cactus grows indoors or outside, proper maintenance is vital to ensure that it blooms properly. Be sure your soil has a good drainage. Also, utilize an cactus-specific potting mix.

Fertilize your cactus in the growing season using an adsorbent, water-soluble fertilizer that is diluted up to a half strength. Be sure to not fertilize during the time of blooming. Be patient! Schlumbergera bridgesii generally bloom as a result of changes in temperature and light and therefore it could require a while for them to bloom the beautiful flowers.

By following these guidelines and taking the least amount of care, you’ll boost the chances of obtaining beautiful blooms from your cactus whether in the indoors or outside.

Christmas Cactus Care: A Step-by-Step Guide

The Schlumbergera are very easy to take care of. In their native habitats they are epiphytic plants, meaning that they are cultivated on trees and take in moisture out of the air. However, they are also able to thrive indoors, with only a little attention.

Christmas Cactus Watering: Helpful Tips and Tricks

It is important to water your Christmas cactus carefully, allowing the soil time to dry out a bit between waterings. A generally accepted rule to water it every 7-10 days in summer and spring and every 4-6 weeks during winter and fall. Contrary to other cacti species, Schlumbergera bridgesii needs additional watering. However, they aren’t a fan of sitting in water for an extended period of time. Make sure that you water the cactus once the top of the soil is dry to surface. Use water that is room temperature and then thoroughly soak the soil, allowing excess water to evaporate. Avoid excessive watering as this could lead to root rot and other problems.

In the summer and spring in the midst of the growing season the Christmas plants might require more frequent irrigation. Pay attention to the soil’s moisture and alter your watering schedule to suit. It is important to cut down on water consumption in the early fall and into mid-October. This is similar to the dry conditions of the native habitat and encourages an optimum flowering time throughout the holiday season.

Christmas Cacti Thrive in Humidity

Christmas Cacti Love Humidity

These plants in winter appreciate more humidity, which can be accomplished with a tray with pebbles and water under the Christmas Cactus pot. When they evaporate, the plant forms an environment of humidity surrounding the plant. You can also mist the leaves from time to time to boost the amount of humidity. Be careful not to go overboard, because excessive moisture could result in fungal infections.

Light Requirements for Christmas Cactus

A Christmas Cactus can be a well-loved home plant because it can manage bright, indirect sunlight. It likes to be close to a window so that it gets plenty of light that is bright and filtered throughout the daytime. But direct sunlight could become too strong for plants like this one and could cause sunburn to its leaves. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid putting it in direct sunlight, particularly during summer when temperatures are hot.

If you’re wondering about how much sunlight your cactus will need try to provide about 4 hours of sunshine every day. During the time of growth which typically falls between in the summer and spring, allowing longer hours of daylight can ensure healthy growth and bloom. This can be achieved by putting your cactus in front of an open window that has direct, bright light or by using artificial growth lighting if the natural light source is not available.

Main Bloom Characteristics

Christmas cacti have the amazing capacity to bloom not only during the festive period, but during spring when they’re in proper conditions, such as shorter days. Therefore, you can enjoy their gorgeous blooms throughout the year, provided you give them the care they require. It’s like receiving twice the pleasure of flowers!

Be aware that it’s adaptable in lighting conditions. It is tolerant of lower light levels, but this could cause lower growth and less blooms. However exposure to excessive bright light or direct sunlight could cause burning of the leaves and damage to. Finding that perfect spot of indirect, bright light and ensuring the perfect proportion of light and dark can help your cactus flourish and create a stunning show of blooms.

The Three Varieties of Holiday Cacti

It is a plant for the holidays This hybrid Christmas cactus can be confused and mislabeled with similar cacti in garden centers. This cactus is commonly mislabeled by garden centers. Thanksgiving Cacti of Easter and Thanksgiving are commonly called different varieties of Christmas cacti since they have the same traits and belong to the same genus Schlumbergera. The holiday plants are famous for their capacity to produce in zygomorphic blooms (two different sized petals) during the Christmas season, similar to the Christmas Cactus.

Christmas cacti thrives in bright or shaded indoor pots, and can be planted in the indoors from time to time until summer. If taken care of properly it can develop quickly to a size of 2 feet within just a few years. The blooms appear at the start of each winter. Each variety can be planted in the indoors up to summer time, which allows an easy replanting process or outdoor removal. Below are the specific differences between these varieties:

1- Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera bridgesii)

The majority of Christmas cacti available during the Christmas season are not actually Christmas cacti. They are more like hybrids of Thanksgiving cacti which have to bloom in time to celebrate Christmas. A real Christmas Cactus features stems that are flattened with round edges, which gives it its distinctive appearance. Like its name implies, it blooms in the Christmas season typically in December. The flowers are usually bright and are available in shades of red, pink or white. It’s a very popular option for Christmas decorations because of the stunning flowers and simple care needs.

2- Cactus for Thanksgiving (Schlumbergera truncata)

The Thanksgiving Cactus is the plant for Christmas which is likely to be offered as an “Christmas cactus” around the Christmas season. Growers manipulate the flowering cycle to ensure that the same plant can be sold for both Christmas and Thanksgiving. The Thanksgiving Cactus is characterized by its pointed, claw-shaped stem segments, giving it a unique appearance.

 It usually blooms the last week of November, right to be ready for the Thanksgiving celebrations. The flowers are typically vibrant and are available in shades of red, pink or white. The cactus is famous because of its capacity to thrive indoors and is popular for Christmas decorations.

3- Easter cactus (Rhipsalidopsis gaertneri)

The Easter Cactus or Spring Cactus has more scalloped and rounded stem segments, making it stand out from the two other types. It usually blooms in spring, which is usually during the Easter celebration, hence the name. The flowers are typically delicate and are available in a variety of shades, such as red, pink or white. Similar to the Thanksgiving cactus the Easter Cactus can also be adapted to indoor conditions which makes it a beautiful decoration for your holiday decorations.

Selecting the Best Soil for Your Holiday Cactus

When it comes time to select the correct soil for your beautiful Christmas cacti, you must be cautious! It’s like choosing the ideal outfit for a date. You need to ensure that everything is perfect so that there are no surprises in the future.

The amount of moisture present in the soil can be a huge factor in making or break your tiny green friend. Too much water and boom! The stem and root are rotting faster than you can declare “succulent.” This is the reason the folks at Planet Desert have got your back with our special plant potting mix for cactus. The organic substrate is rich in mycorrhizae that help your plants establish healthy roots that helps all the spiky stems stand in a tall and proud manner. For a better alternative you could make your own pots by mixing equal parts of coarse sand, perlite and a good quality organic potting dirt.

If you’re looking for an DIY method, you can make an individual soil mixture by mixing equal amounts of normal perlite, potting soil as well as coarse sand. The mixture can help replicate the conditions of good drainage that are preferred by. Make sure you avoid making use of heavy garden soil or mixes that store too much moisture, since this could cause root rot, among other problems.

It is also worth noting that the cactus’s not all that particular when it comes down to pH of soil. It can tolerate acidic to alkaline soils with the pH range ranging from 5.5 and 7.0. Therefore, as long as you have a well-drained soil mix which allows air to get to the roots, and avoids logging water your cactus is content and well!

How and When to Fertilize Your Christmas Cactus

When it is time to fertilize your cactus, you need to provide it with appropriate nutrients for healthy growth and blooms that are vibrant. A water-soluble fertilizer that is balanced and balanced specially designed for Christmas Cacti. Choose a fertilizer with NPK levels of approximately 5-10-5.

In the growing season that is active that typically takes place in spring, it is possible to fertilize your cactus at least once a year. Do not fertilize your Christmas cactus on a monthly basis. Apply the fertilizer in a diluted form in accordance with the directions on the bottle and apply it to the soil around roots on the plant. Be cautious not to over-fertilize because this could result in salt accumulation and harm the roots. It is always best to be careful not to over-fertilize.

Stop fertilizing or removing fertilizer completely, in winter. This mimics the natural cycle, allowing the plant to take a break and get ready for flowering. In this period it’s crucial to focus on ensuring the proper conditions, including cooler temperatures and less irrigation to encourage flower buds to form.

In addition to fertilizer that you use regularly it is also possible to help your cactus to grow with organic options. For instance, you could apply a dilute solution that contains compost tea and worm castings in order to provide plants with natural nutrients. Organic options like these can help increase the fertility of soil and overall plant health, without the need for synthetic chemicals.

Hardiness Zone and Temperature Requirements

In terms of indoor temperatures, the Christmas cactus is most productive in a cool humid, humid area with no light. The cactus thrives at temperatures ranging from 60-70 degrees F in the daytime, and some cooler temperatures in the evening. This is akin to their tropical habitat and aids in healthy growth and blooms.

If you are within USDA zone 10-12, you can plant cactus outside. The zones in this category are known for their warm winters and mild temperatures. If you reside in a region that is colder but still want to enjoy the beauty of cactus if you plant it inside or in pots which can be moved indoors during the colder seasons.

A popular in the indoor garden, the succulent is adored by its beautiful blooms and simple care. It is a great addition to any house during the Christmas season. If properly cared for, holiday cacti will thrive within the indoors of areas in which the climate might not be ideal for outdoor development. They are excellent houseplants and can brighten up living spaces by bringing out their vivid blooms and distinctive foliage.

In addition, Christmas cacti adjust to typical level of humidity in indoor areas. They do however prefer an increase in humidity. It is possible to increase the humidity around the plant inside by misting the leaves with water or putting the tray with pebbles and water beneath the pot. This creates an environment that is more humid that the cactus enjoy.

If you decide to plant your Christmas cactus plants indoors, or in an outdoor setting keeping the right humidity and temperature is essential to their success. Take pleasure in the beautiful appearance of these common indoor plants and their gorgeous flowers!

Brief Annual Care Calendar for Christmas Cactus

Quick Annual Care Schedule for Christmas Cactus


  • After blooming, give your the cactus an extra boost by feeding your cactus with a well-balanced plant fertilizer. This will encourage healthy growth.
  • If your cactus has grown too large for its present container, then spring is the perfect opportunity to repot it in a smaller container that has fresh, well-drained soil.


  • In summer the cactus plants you have for your holiday will enjoy spending time outside in shaded areas. Make sure you shield them from direct sun, because it could scorch the leaves.
  • It is important to water it regularly to keep the soil damp but not too wet. Be sure to offer drainage to avoid root decay.


  • As the days get shorter, it’s the perfect time to get your Christmas cactus in order to bloom. Reduce the amount of watering and put the Cactus in a cooler space (around 50 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit) to stimulate bud growth.
  • Be aware of any shifts in temperature, and try to avoid exposing the roots of your cactus the sun’s rays or cold breezes.


  • Your cactus will prefer a well-lit area with indirect light in the winter months.
  • Be careful with your watering, allowing the soil’s top inch to dry between irrigations. Avoid overwatering as it could lead to root decay.

Take pleasure in the gorgeous blooms of your cactus in the blooming season!

Keep in mind that these guidelines for care are general guidelines, and it’s important to be aware of the specific needs of your cactus and modify your treatment accordingly.

Pruning Your Christmas Cactus

When it comes to trimming your plants, it is best to do it following the blooming season, which is usually in the latter half of winter or the beginning of spring. Begin by looking at the plant, and identifying dead or damaged stems. Utilizing cutting shears that are clean and sharp or a pair of scissors, carefully cut these stems back to the bottom that the plants are. This will encourage new growth while maintaining the plant’s compact and tidy appearance. Make sure you prune carefully and refrain from removing all of the plant at one time to avoid stress.

Apart from eliminating dead or damaged stems, you can form your cactus with selective pruning. If you spot any stems growing in a different way or are becoming large, you can cut back the stems to encourage branching, and a better balanced pattern of growth. In addition, if you would like your cactus to grow more bushy then you can cut off the edges on the branches. This can stimulate the growth of the lateral branches and create a more full plant. Make sure to not cut too much since it’s crucial to keep a healthy balance between growth and overall health.

Be aware that pruning is an individual choice and you are able to adjust the degree of pruning depending on the desired shape and size of your Cactus.

Propagation of a Christmas Cactus

In terms of propagating Christmas cacti, best time to grow your cactus is in the spring or early summer timeframe when the plant enters its growth phase. This is as plants are more likely successfully root and establish its roots. Although it isn’t recommended to plant a cactus during the time of bloom usually occurs in the latter half of fall or winter.

At this point the plant’s attention is on bringing forth flowers and its energy is geared towards flowering and not the development of roots. Planting during this time might not produce the most effective outcomes.

To increase the chance of success you should try to grow your cactus in the spring or in the early summer, during its growing phase, and not in bloom. This gives your seeds or cuttings the best chance of taking root and grow.

Propagating Christmas Cactus Using Stem Cuttings:

1. Select a healthy portion of the Christmas Cactus stem that is about 3-4 segments in length.

2. Allow the cut to dry and become callus-like for some days. This will prevent the cutting from the rotting.

3. Prepare a well-draining soil mix by mixing equal amounts of potting soil with perlite, or sand.

4. Place the cuttings into well-drained soil Three stems in a pot that is 4 inches and five stems inside the 6-inch pot. expect roots to develop in two or three weeks.

5. Maintain the soil’s moisture However, avoid excessively moist soil, or overwatering since it can cause root decay.

6- Put the Christmas cactus cuttings into an area with a bright and warm temperature however, avoid direct sunlight.

7- After about a few weeks, the roots will begin to grow, and after some notches The new plant will start to grow.

Before you plant the stems in the ground, there is the option of planting the stems in water. Put the jar in a light-filled, indirect area following submerging your cut side in between one and two inches of water that has been filtered. The stems can be buried in potting soil after a couple of weeks, if their roots are at a minimum of about one or two inches in length.

Propagating Christmas Cactus from Seeds:

1. Begin by collecting ripe seed from the fruits of your Christmas tree.

2. Remove the seed by taking out any debris or pulp, and allowing them dry for several days.

3. Prepare a draining soil mix by mixing equal amounts of potting soil with perlite and sand.

4 Place seeds inside small pots, or tray, covering the seeds by a light layer soil.

5. Keep the soil always moist but not dripping with water by misting it with water or with a spray bottle.

6- Put the trays or pots in a sunny and warm area, but keep them out of direct sunlight.

7. Be patient, since germination could take weeks, or perhaps months. After the seedlings have grown some, you are able to move them into separate pots.

Keep in mind that growing plants may be an enjoyable and rewarding experience, but it will require patience and attention. Do it and you may be rewarded with new cactus plants that you can take pleasure in or to share with friends!

Repotting Your Christmas Cactus

When you need to plant your cactus, you do not need to do it very often. They prefer to be a little root-bound that is, they want their roots to feel slightly secure within the pot.

Repotting every two years is typically enough and you may find that your current pot is getting smaller than the plant.

It’s crucial to monitor your root systems and ensure that it’s not overcrowded.

If you decide to repot, make sure to select a slightly larger pot and choose a soil that is well-drained. Make sure to water the plant well and allow it to adapt to its new home before getting back to the regular routine. Be sure to keep the cactus in an spot that is bright and indirect light. Also, avoid overwatering to avoid root decay.

So your cactus is able to flourish and display its stunning flowers.

Winter Care for Christmas Cactus

Winterizing a Christmas cactus can be one of the most important aspects of care, particularly when you reside in an area that experiences cold winters. In winter the cacti require the time of rest and a decrease in temperature. For a winter plant to overwinter put it in a cooler area that has temperatures between 50 and 60 degrees. It is important to limit watering at this time and only apply water when the soil appears dry. This will help simulate the conditions that a Cactus might experience in its natural habitat. If you provide the proper conditions, you will ensure that your cactus is well-nourished and ready for another year of stunning flowers.

Common Pests and Diseases Affecting Christmas Cactus

The web has many pests that can afflict our Christmas cacti like mealybugs, spider mites, flower thrips and Fungus insects.

  • Mealybugs are those pesky, white creatures that take sap out of the plant. To combat these pests, make use of insecticidal soap, or wipe them off using a cotton cloth soaked in ruby alcohol.
  • Spider mites are tiny brown or red tiny specks of dust that can cause webbing and discoloration. Try applying miticides or washing your leaves in water to eliminate the mites.
  • Thrips on flowers can cause damage to leaves and flowers. you can apply insecticidal soap or oil to fight these.
  • Gnats of Fungus are the annoying insects that linger around the soil. To rid them of these flies, let the soil dry between waterings, and then use sticky traps to capture adult gnats. It’s essential to watch out for these pests and act quickly to keep your cactus in good health and happy!
  • Plants that are overwatered can cause fungal diseases. To avoid fungal diseases, do not overwater tropical plants. Two common cactus fungi which could cause stem rot include Fusarium as well as Phytophthora.

Brown patches appear close to the soil line on the stem as a result of Fusarium stem rot. If caught early the cactus could be able to recover from the fusarium however, it’s not a high probability. In the event that the ground around the plant appears extremely wet, let it dry out prior to applying a fungicide according to the instructions in the product’s label. The stem at soil’s level appears damp or water-soaked because of phytophthora stem decay. The phytophthora fungus can be fatal.

Tips for Maintaining the Health and Well-being of Your Christmas Cactus

Christmas Holiday cacti are sensitive to humidity and temperature, resilient to temperatures above freezing however they require the right conditions to ensure blooms that are lush during the holiday season. Here are a few tips to avoid issues regarding the health of your Christmas cactus.

  • Root Rot: Stop root rot with well-drained soil that is specifically designed for Cacti. Be careful not to overwater and allow your soil time to dry between irrigations. If you suspect that your cactus is suffering from root rot Remove the affected part and then repot your cactus in clean well-drained soil.
  • Uneven Growth: Ensure that your cactus receives the correct amount of sunlight. A lot of direct sunlight on the flat stems of cactus from tropical regions can cause a distorted or stunted growth, and lack of light can lead to long stems. Find a spot that is bright and has indirect lighting for your Cactus.
  • Leaves turning pink or red It is an natural reaction to changes in temperature or light. However, extreme or sudden color changes may indicate stress. Make sure you maintain the same temperature and lighting conditions for your cactus in order to reduce variation in color.
  • Wilting and yellowing of leaves The most common cause is overwatering. This is the cause of yellowing and wilting leaves. It is important to allow the top inch of soil dry prior to applying water to new plants. Also, make sure that your pot is properly drained to stop water from accumulating on the roots.

Keep in mind that each cactus is a unique one, which is why it is essential to watch and modify care according to the individual requirements of each.

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